Fennel - Synonyms, Biological source, Uses


Fennel - Synonyms, Biological source, Uses


. Saunf

. Foeniculum

. Fennel fruit

Biological Source

It consists of dried ripe fruits of the plant Foeniculum vulgare.



Geographical Source

. It is widely cultivated in Romania, Russia, Germany, France, India, and Japan.

. In India, it is cultivated in Gujarat, Punjab, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal.

Microscopic Characters

. Color - Green to yellowish brown

. Odor - Sweet aromatic

. Taste - Strongly aromatic

. Shape - Straight or slightly curved

Chemical Constituents

. Approx 3 to 7 percent volatile oil is present.

. The main chemical constituents of the volatile oil are Fenchone (20%) and Anethole (50%).
. Other chemical constituents are Phellandrene, Limonene, Ketone, Phenolic-ether, and Methyl chavicol.

. Fencone is colorless and has a pungent nature. On the other hand, anethole has a sweet nature.


. It is used as an aromatic, carminative, stimulant, and flavoring agent.

. It is also used in mouth preparation and dental preparation.

. It is also used as an expectorant.