Social Pharmacy and its Scope in pharmacy education

Social Pharmacy

. Social pharmacy is a science that deals with medicine's role by considering social, scientific, and humanistic perceptions. It involves all those factors that influence medicinal use in society like ethics, behaviors, etc.

Social Pharmacy and its Scope in pharmacy education

Social Pharmacy as a discipline

. Initially, social pharmacy was related to the distribution of drugs in society and pharmacoepidemiology ( the study of the utilization and effects of drugs in large numbers of people to see the probability of beneficial and adverse effects of drugs in a population).

. Social pharmacy consists of all social factors that influence medicine use such as medicine and health-related beliefs, ethics, behavior, regulation, policies, etc.

. Social pharmacy is not limited to only supplying medicines or giving advice to the public but also maintains social relationships with the public to prevent decay and anarchy in society.

. It includes various disciplines like:

. Research: This subject also focuses on the research sector which helps in the improvement of the overall health of the community. Researchers conduct research on how to improve the standards of health care and services in society.

. Education: Social pharmacy helps us to understand society and individual perceptions towards the usage of drugs and tends to increase the education level.

Scope of Social Pharmacy

. It promotes the use of medicine in society.

. It provides evaluation and selection of drugs or medicine as per society.

. It provides cost-effective treatment or therapy.

. It helps in identifying the behavior and psychology of patients for better treatment.

. It provides information on drugs.

. It provides education and training for medical professionals.

. It helps in spreading awareness regarding the knowledge and right uses of medicine or drugs in society.

Scope of Social Pharmacy in Improving Public Health

. Social pharmacy is a discipline concerned with the behavioral sciences related to the use of medicines by consumers as well as healthcare professionals.

. Pharmaceutical administration areas like pharmacy management and marketing are also components of social pharmacy.

. Social pharmacy plays a crucial role in the development of better relationships between consumers and healthcare professionals.

. Pharmacists are taught all the important and fundamental knowledge related to society.

. This field helps the pharmacists to gain knowledge and improve his or her overall skills.

Role of Pharmacists in Public Health

. Pharmacists conduct disease prevention and control programs in their institutions and communities.

. They collaborate with state and local authorities to address local and regional healthcare needs.

. They initiate campaigns to distribute new information or knowledge regarding medicine or health.

. They support legislation, regulations, and public policy related to disease prevention and management.

. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals to develop treatment guidelines.

. They participate in check-up programs for diabetes, and cholesterol.

. They contribute to health education to spread awareness of immunization, family planning, and the use of medications.

. They design and regulate drug distribution systems with drug storage and disposal.

National Health Policy

. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the government of India formed a national health policy in 1983.

. The main focus was on preventive, promotive, and public health.

. In 2002, it was revised and in the new national health policy 2002, this ensures the dedication of government towards the family planning services.

. Then on 15th March 2017, National Health Policy 2017 was formed.

. The main focus is on sick care and wellness by encouraging prevention.

Seven priority areas of NHP 2017:

. Swacch Bharat Abhiyan.

. Addressing tobacco, alcohol, and substance abuse.

. Yatri Suraksha

. Nirbhya nari

. Balanced and healthy diet

. Reduce stress

. Reduce pollution

Seven objectives of NHP 2017:

. To provide a larger package of primary health care through health and wellness centers.

. To increase public health care investment from 1.4% to 2.5%.

. To provide regular tracking of the DALY index (Disability Adjusted life years).

. To provide health care for major non-communicable diseases, mental health, rehabilitation services, etc.

. To reduce the total fertility rate to 2.1 by 2025.

. To reduce IMR to 28 by 2019 and the stillbirth rate to a single digit by 2025.

. To reduce MMR to 100 by 2020.

. To make sure that 2 beds per 1000 population are easily available within golden hours.


Q) What is social pharmacy?

Social pharmacy is a field that deals with medicine's role by considering social, scientific, and humanistic perceptions.

Q) What is the scope of social pharmacy?

It promotes the use of medicine in society and provides cost-effective treatment or therapy and helps in identifying the behavior and psychology of patients for better treatment.

Q) What is the role of pharmacists in public health?

Pharmacists conduct disease prevention and control programs in their institutions and communities and collaborate with state and local authorities to address local and regional healthcare needs.