Coriander - Synonym, Biological Source, Uses


Coriander - Synonym, Biological Source, Uses


. Dhania

. Dhanyaka

. Cilantro leaves

Biological source

It consists of the dried ripe fruits of Coriandrum sativum which belongs to the family Umbelliferae.
Geographical source.

Geographical Source

. This plant is cultivated in European countries, Russia, Hungary, India, Egypt, Morocco, and Holland.

. In India, it is widely cultivated in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir.

Cultivation and Collection

. It is sown by the drilling method.

. It requires about 15 to 20 kg of fruits per hectare for cultivation.

. It needs light to heavy black soil for cultivation.

. Coriander is cultivated as a kharif, as well as, a rabi crop.

. Kharif means when we do cultivation at the time of monsoon.

. Rabi means when we do cultivation between January and April.

. It is rotated with wheat, grain, jowar, and onion and grown with cotton, sugarcane, and brinjal as a mixed crop.

. The crop will be ready for harvesting after 100 days.

Coriander - Synonym, Biological Source, Uses

Microscopic Characters

. Color - Yellowish-brown

. Odor - Aromatic

. Taste - Spicy

. Size - 2 - 4 mm in diameter and 4 - 30 mm in length

. Shape - Sub-globular cremocarpous fruit

Cremocarpous fruits are those fruits that can be spit in two equal parts after cutting.

Chemical Constituents

. It contains 0.3 to 1% volatile oil.

. 90% D-linalool, also known as coriander, gives a characteristic smell to coriander.

. In small quantities L-borneol, geraniol, and pinene are present.

. Coriander leaves are rich in vitamin D.


. It prevents heart disease.

. It is used as a carminative and flavoring agent.

. It decreases blood pressure.

. It helps in UIT (Urinary Tract Infection)

. It is used as an anti-diabetic agent.

. It is used as a diuretic.