Growth Habits

 Growth Habits

There is something called habits. You never know how it is formed in you but it forms and we have to make our lives better by adopting growth habits in our daily lives. But first, to build a basic understanding of habits I will give you an example

Growth Habits

Just take a pen and with a little thrust, not the way you usually write, just give it a little thrust and draw a line.

It will not come straight, it will be crooked but it's okay just draw a line.

Having drawn this line now again take the pen back and start drawing the next line
you will find the next line will only flow on the previous line because the pattern of little thrust has already been created in the first line.

Your second line will not go beyond the first line it will keep flowing only on the first line, that's how habits are formed.

When we keep doing something recursively without any knowledge a point comes when it becomes a habit. We never know when it will happen.

Now the question is how can I go through the process of beautifying myself by consciously creating some good habits.

You have to start something that doesn't come naturally to you. You have to start something that you have always admired in others but it is not a part of you and somewhere you have to begin, and you have to do it repeatedly long enough till it eventually becomes a good habit in you.

Because bad habits form themselves, good habits have to be cultivated. For example, weeds grow by themselves, weeds don't need a farmer but seeds have to be cultivated and it needs a farmer. Similarly bad habits grow by themselves and good habits have to be cultivated consciously.

In the present time, our minds are becoming too noisy and too chaotic. The tiredness we feel is not because physically life has become very laborious. In fact, physical life has become more comfortable but mental life has become laborious. There are too many thoughts running through our minds on a daily basis.

On average a human being thinks 60,000 thoughts in a day and the sad part is this, out of 60,000 thoughts you have in a day only 4% of your thinking you act upon and the remaining 96% of your thoughts is just mental dissipation of energy.

So, we should try to create a good habit of practicing a  few minutes of silence to quieten our minds every day.

Taking care of health is a good habit that has to be cultivated. Choosing to eat what is right and avoiding what is wrong is a good habit that has to be cultivated.

Spiritual practices are good habits that have to be cultivated.

So, the only way you are going to get yourself right is by consciously, unconsciously bad habits will grow in you but consciously you have to cultivate good habits.

The choice is yours because "Small choices become action, actions become habits, and habits become our way of life."

Life-changing growth habits

I have talked about habits. Habits are something that can take you far in life because if you set your goals and targets then it is not necessary that you hit them and if you do not hit them you curse yourself and if you do hit them then you feel like a king but there is no basis for us to set goals and targets in the first place.

I personally believe that most of the goals and targets that we set for ourselves in life are our desires, they are not actually our goals and targets. 

Instead, if you focus on habits, if you form habits, then you can go far and beyond.

For example, if you promise yourself that you have to read 12 books this year, that is the goal and target.

Now it is possible, that by the 3rd book, you will feel why I keep the target of 12 books!? What was I thinking? Who reads one book in one month? And there goes your goal and target.

But if you form a habit of reading for 15 minutes every day! That's it!

Read for 15 minutes every day, whether in the morning or evening, or spread it over the day. I assure you, you will read more than 12 books in a year. Because 15 minutes is more than enough for you to finish one book in a month.

That habit takes you far ahead of the target of 12 books that you had set.

A smartphone app for establishing and tracking your habits is Productive for iOS.

Now I will shed some light on some life-changing habits one by one.

Habit 1: Call people by their name

Whenever you write an email or a message or a reply to a message, don't write, 'Hey bro! What's up, bro! Hi!'

You have to write the name of that person.

When you do that you create an emotional bond. People realize that you know their name, you remember their name, and they feel familiar with the most precious thing that we all have our name.

Habit 2: Write emails to yourself in the future

If you come across something that you want to do, let's say, an idea for a new video stuck with me but
I know it is not the right time to make that video.

So, I will draft an email for myself write everything down and I will set or schedule that email for that time when I can make that video it could be three months or six months later.

But when you get into the habit of sending yourself emails in the future, you basically are planning your future in a small way but in a meaningful way.

Habit 3: Do not try and remember everything

Everything on paper, everything on a calendar, everything on one notes app, everything should be documented. We waste so much of our brain just trying to remember things

The function of the mind is not to remember all things. instead, the function of the mind is to do things. So, you have to spend your mind and your energy on getting things done, not on remembering things.

You can document everything using a pen and paper so that you don't have to remember anything.

Habit 4: Wake up and smile at the mirror

When you wake up, stand in front of the mirror and smile at yourself every day.

Because if you will not love yourself then no one else will love you. If you will not be kind to yourself then no one else will be kind to you.

You have to become your biggest supporter and this small habit can take you so far ahead when you are always kind to yourself.

You stand in front of the mirror, and no matter how bad the time may be even if you feel bad about yourself, you will smile and acknowledge that you exist.

Habit 5: Meet someone new every week

Every week, meet someone whom you have never met. And it could be a virtual interaction or it could be a physical or in-person interaction that doesn't matter.

It could be a very meaningful interaction where you are trying to know them or you want to learn something from them or it could be just a nice happy conversation that doesn't matter.

The key is that you are meeting new people every week, not to form meaningful relationships, but just to understand perspectives.

You get to understand a lot of things and you will realize without any planning it will create so many opportunities, because who knows, which person will be useful for you in your life. 


Basically, the world is changing and to survive in this world we have to grow continuously by adopting growth habits because it will keep you away from mental disorders as well like depression, anxiety, and stress. If you are suffering from these mental disorders so contact health professionals as they have the ultimate guide to managing stress and anxiety. please give your feedback in the comment section and if you want to contact us then feel free to contact us.


Q) What are the growth habits?

Basically, growth habits are those habit that benefits you in the long run and help you to grow in your personal and professional life.

Q) How do you grow good habits?

Bad habits grow by themselves and good habits have to be cultivated. So you have to cultivate good habits through hard work and consistency.

Q) How to start a habit?

Basically make a particular time to practice that habit and do it consistently.