



. Gum asafoetida

. Devil's dung

Biological Source

Asafoetida is the oleo-gum resin obtained by incision from the rhizomes and roots of ferula foetida, ferula rubricaulis, belonging to the family Umbelliferae.

Geographical Source

. It is a genus of perennial herbs, especially in Iran and Afghanistan.

. Three species of ferula are found in India.

. Ferula narthex is cultivated in Kashmir.

Microscopic Characters

. Color - yellowish-white changing to reddish-brown.

. Odor - Intense, persistent, penetrating, and alliaceous.

. Taste - Bitter, alliaceous, and acid.

. Shape - It occurs in two different forms tears and masses. Tears are rounded and flattened.

Chemical Constituents

. Asafoetida contains resin, gum, and volatile oil.

. The resin of the drug consists chiefly of asaresinotannol in the free or combined form with ferulic acid.

. Ferulic acid on treatment with hydrochloric acid is converted into umbellic acid, which loses water to form umbelliferone.

. Oil of asafoetida is obtained by steam distillation of the oleo-gum resin.

. The chief constituents of the oil are secondary butyl propanyl disulfide.

. The specific odor of the drug is due to sulfur compounds.


. It is used as a carminative, stimulant, nervine stimulant, or in intestinal flatulence, as a flavoring agent.