Cardamom - Synonyms, Biological source, Uses


Cardamom - Synonyms, Biological source, Uses


. Elaichi

. Cardamom fruits

. Cardamom seeds

Biological Source

. It consists of dried ripe fruits of Elettaria cardamomum which belongs to the family Zingiberaceae.

Geographical Source

. It is widely cultivated in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Malaysia.

. In India, it is cultivated in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

. In Karnataka, it is cultivated in Mysore and Kurg districts.

. It is also cultivated in the Malabar hills.

. Guatemala is the largest producer of cardamom in the world.

Microscopic Characters

. Color - Green or pale buff

. Odor - Aromatic

. Taste - Strongly-Aromatic

. Size - Capsules are about 2 cm in length

. Shape - Ovoid or oblong

Chemical Constituents

. Cardamom seeds contain 2% to 8% volatile oil.

. The active constituent of the volatile oil is cineole.

. Other aromatic compounds such as terpinyl acetate, terpineol, borneol, and terpinene are also present.

. Other constituents of cardamom seeds are fixed oil (1% to 10%), starch (50%), and proteins.


. It is an aromatic, carminative, stimulant, and flavoring agent.

. It is used in the form of compound tincture.

. It prevents bed smell in the mouth.

. It is used in the inflammation of eyelids.

. It is used in pulmonary tuberculosis.

. It is used as an antidote for snake as well as scorpion venom.