Clove - Synonyms, Biological source, Uses


Clove - Synonyms, Biological source, Uses


. Luang

. Caryophyllum

Biological Source

It consists of dried flower buds of Eugenia caryophyllus



Geographical Source

. It was first found in Amboyna and Molucca islands.

. It is now widely cultivated in Zanzibar, Madagascar, the Caribbean Islands, Sri Lanka, and India.

. In India, it is cultivated in Nilgiri, Tamil Nadu state and Kerala.

Microscopic Characters

. Color - Crimson to dark brown.

. Odor - Slightly-aromatic.

. Taste - Pungent and aromatic.

. Shape - Hypanthium is surmounted with 4 thick acute divergent sepals surrounded by a dome-shaped corolla.

Chemical Constituents

. Clove contains 15% to 20% volatile oil.

. 70% to 90% eugenol is present which is a main chemical constituent.

. Other chemical constituents are tannins gallotannic acid, caryophyllenes, and eugenol acetate.

. Due to methyl amyl ketone, fragrance of clove occurs so called Syzgium aromaticum.

. Eugenol is a Phenylpropane derivative.


. It is used as dental analgesic, carminative, stimulant.