



. Zingiber

. Zingiberis

. Sunthi

. Adrak

Biological Source

Ginger consists of whole or cut, dried scrapped, or unscrapped rhizomes of Zingiber officinale.



Geographical Source

. It is said to be native to Southeast Asia and cultivated in Caribbean islands, Africa, Australia, Taiwan, and India.

. India ranks first among countries in the world in ginger production.

Microscopic Characters

. Color - Buff Colored

. Odor - Aromatic

. Taste - Pungent

Chemical Constituents

. Ginger contains volatile oil, starch, fat, and acrid resinous matter.

. Aroma is due to a volatile oil.

. While the flavor, pungency, and pharmacological action are exerted by phenolic ketones of oleo-resin.

. Various volatile oil components like isometric terpenic aldehyde, geranial, and citral cause delicate and lemony aromas.


. Ginger is used as a stomachic, aromatic, carminative, stimulant, and flavoring agent.

. Ginger oil is used in mouthwashes.

. Ginger powder is effective in motion sickness.

. Adsorbent, aromatic, and carminative properties of ginger on the GI tract cause the adsorption of toxins and acid which enhances gastric mobility.